English version of laserdrw
English version of laserdrw


Select the Rectangle and give it no fill with a 1pt red stroke (making it red will be important later). smaller than the largest face of your gift in each dimension (if you don't have your rulers turned on in Illustrator, do so by hitting Command-r. Use the Rectangle tool, and make a rectangle that is 1 in. We need to make a rectangle that will define the edges of our gift-tag. It will be helpful to set your document size to match the size of your laser cutter's print range. 6) A present to wrap.įirst we need to make our vector document where we will doctor our letters. I used plain manila, which looks nice and clean against the craft paper. 2) Some kind of gift-wrap to wrap your gift in. I'm going to use Illustrator's interface for this example. You can also use CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator. Inkscape is a great open-source vector program. Needed materials: 1) A vector-based graphics program. Warning: This technique may impress your boy/girlfriend. Here are all the steps I took to alter the letters and package my gift. It would take a very sharp knife, a very steady hand, and a lot of patience, but it's a nice alternative since not everyone has access to laser cutting equipment.

english version of laserdrw english version of laserdrw

Also, a laser cutter is nice, and very effective, but after altering type in the way I've outlined here, you could cut the letters out by hand.


In fact, the usefulness of having a laser or stencil-friendly version of a font was so novel, I started working on an OpenType version called Stencilano that is available for free beta download now. It seemed a great opportunity to test out a few techniques, and the result was a stylish success. It started with a present for my father, then a present for a friend, and a wedding present, and this example is based off of a package of fashion show schwag that I gave to someone. There are a lot of "stencil fonts" out there to be had for free, but a lot of them are pretty limited stylistically so I have been working with creating "laser-safe" versions of other more decorative, less industrial fonts.

english version of laserdrw

I've been working on the design for a few art-objects that need laser-cut letters, and decided it would be good to prototype some letters first, to get a sense of what's required.


This is a simple set of instructions for anyone with access to a laser cutter on how to use a vector-based graphics program to alter text in such a way as to make it laser-cut friendly.

English version of laserdrw